A Brief Overview of Our Business and Services [infographic]

HomeEubanks Auto Electric BlogA Brief Overview of Our Business and Services [infographic]

In 1954, our family launched Eubanks Auto Electric, a local shop geared towards farmers, off-road vehicle owners, industrial equipment operators, and other residents throughout the community. Today, our shop continues to be a family-owned and -operated organization with locations throughout Texas, and we still strive to offer the high-quality products and exceptional customer service that made us so successful in the first place.

A Brief Overview of Our Business and Services [infographic]

  • Fair and Honest Prices: In the past seven decades, we have made it our mission to provide the starters and alternators our customers need at fair and competitive rates. We have become a go-to resource for many professionals throughout the country, and we’re always excited to share what makes our business stand out from the competition.
  • Expansive Inventory: First-time customers are often pleasantly surprised when they reach out to us and discover that we have the part they need in stock. We have supplied alternators and starters for everything from farm equipment and lawn mowers to construction equipment and foreign vehicles, and if we don’t have an item currently available, we’ll work tirelessly to acquire the right part as soon as possible.
  • Knowledgeable Team: Each member of our team is friendly, knowledgeable, and committed to helping you get the solution you need to get your truck or equipment up and running once more. When you contact us, you can rely on our expert staff to guide you through your options and help you select something that will best suit your needs and budget.

If you need a new starter, alternator, or battery cable for your vehicle or equipment, we invite you to reach out to us today to get the parts you need right away. We look forward to serving you!